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Editorial Committee: Susan Wright, Sharon Yandle
Contributing Editor: Karen Hausch
Production Editor: Robyn Chan
Proofreader: Kathryn Woodward
Contributors this Issue: David Grigg, Dolores Bdzel (Creekview Co-op)

Your story ideas and news items are always welcome at *email is hidden, JavaScript is required*. Find this issue and all previous stories at falsecreeksouth.org/betweenthebridges.

Subscribe to Between The Bridges here
Photo: Francis Georgian (Vancouver Sun)
To the surprise of no-one, hundreds of people nearly overflowed Vancouver’s Unitarian Church last Sunday, November 5, to express their respect and affection for Nathan Edelson. False Creek South’s longtime friend and mentor passed away in September after a short but virulent illness. Many others unable to attend watched the memorial live-streamed. It’s available here:
On October 25, RePlan received the news that City Council would be discussing a report entitled City Council’s Strategic Priorities, 2023-2026. The report listed priorities for City Council for the remainder of their term, and included over 100 “illustrative, but not exhaustive,” policies. Under the Strategic Objective of housing was the item “Advance toward optimizing the number of housing units on City land in False Creek South.” 

In response the Neighbourhood Association sent a letter (read here) to City Council reminding them about their commitments in October 2021 and reiterated the neighbourhood’s continuing support for: 
  1. The amendments passed by City Council in October 2021 which endorsed the ⅓, ⅓, ⅓ income mix and the retention of existing affordable housing.
  2. Optimizing affordable housing in FCS by extending existing leases and building new affordable housing, including co-ops, on empty land.
  3.  An open and transparent community planning process.
Following the report's approval by Council, it appears that this initial strategic priority will likely focus on development at the Olympic Village Canada Line Station area, and that scoping work at the City has begun. The connection between this work and a full community planning process is unclear; at this time there is no confirmed timeline for comprehensive planning work for False Creek South. As we learn more, we will provide updates to the community.

Robyn Chan, RePlan’s new Project Manager, has continued to meet with co-op boards and committees, and attended the most recent FCSNA delegates meeting. If you would like to connect with RePlan, please reach out to:
  • Robyn Chan, Project Manager: *email is hidden, JavaScript is required*
  • Sarah Brown, Community Planning Assistant: *email is hidden, JavaScript is required* 
David Grigg 

During Vancouver’s rainy season streams running along roadways into catch basins and storm sewers are a common sight. What is more difficult to see is what those heavy rainstorms may be doing to False Creek.

In his Between The Bridges April 1, 2023 article, Ghost Streams Still Polluting False Creek, Zaida Schneider wrote that heavy rains can result in domestic sewage escaping into storm sewers and flowing into False Creek.

Climate change and a growing number of people moving into the area are likely to continue to put pressure on the existing sewage system. While government has acknowledged the problem, fixes are going to take millions of dollars and time. 

There is, though, a relatively easy way to reduce the negative impact of heavy rains. Rain gardens redirect rainwater away from storm drains and are ideal for growing native plants and supporting pollinators. Rain gardens help protect property from water damage, a growing risk of climate change, and they can be designed to make efficient use of water during the dry season.

What a converted drain ditch could do

There are a number of these gardens around Vancouver, usually connected to existing road rain catch basins.

One way to support developing rain gardens to start with a pilot project along one of the ghost stream streets Zaida mentioned in his article. If this idea is supported by False Creek residents, I would be pleased to develop a concept for discussion. Contact me at *email is hidden, JavaScript is required*.

ED NOTE: David Grigg is a board member of False Creek Friends. The views expressed here are his own.


Something that will be of special interest to many, many residents in False Creek South and throughout the city is this upcoming SFU lecture with former City head planner Larry Beasley. You can register to attend in person (if you’re not too late) or online.
 FCS Butterflyway
Dolores Bdzel, Creekview Co-op

It’s the end of the “season” for the Butterfly Rangers but our work continues all year with planning and getting ready for spring. We have some very exciting projects and events in the works that will be open to everyone over the winter.

Ideally, you want blooms from spring until fall in your pollinator garden, no matter the size of your habitat, and fall is an ideal time for sowing native seeds.

These seeds need to go through a process called cold stratification. Planting in the fall accomplishes this; otherwise, you will need to take them through a refrigeration process in the spring before sowing the seeds. 

Bumblebee on Goldenrod

Some varieties of seeds collected from Creekview’s gardens will be available for FCS residents who would like to start container gardens on their patio/balcony. We’re working on a space and date for an event about this. Coming soon! 

Beehives for the rooftop at Creekview are on the agenda for next year, and we are close to putting in our final installation for this year: the rooftop pollinator garden. This will be the fifth of five gardens at Creekview. They are officially part of the Butterflyway along with the now-registered Charleson Community Garden. We need 12 such gardens to earn Butterflyway designation.  

Goldenrod ready to collect seeds. Can be sown using cold stratification process now or in the spring.

We were to install two of our proposed six gardens along the seawall in partnership with the Vancouver Park Board but that has been postponed until next fall. These gardens will constitute a self-guided walking tour that names the native plants, giving Indigenous spelling, pronunciation and traditional uses. 

I’m pleased and humbled that the FCS Butterflyway Project is going to be mentioned in a David Suzuki Foundation press release. With the challenges and uncertainties facing our neighborhood, it is remarkable the way the whole community is pulling together to be part of this positive and impactful project. Truly remarkable, and very special.

Follow us on Facebook – Pollinator Butterflyway – False Creek South #3BHC, and email us at *email is hidden, JavaScript is required*.


Melodie Corrigall (Newport Quay) wrote to us about Branas Mediterranean Grill, a long time neighbourhood establishment at the end of Moberly Road at the seawall. 

She asked, “I see this restaurant is closed and they are fixing something up for a new one; what is up?” and was told by a worker that a new restaurant would open in a month. There’s no sign outside, but rumour has it that a restaurant serving Turkish/Greek food is en route. 

Make way for the new!

From Wes Knapp and Kathleen MacKinnon (Regatta):

We write to express our appreciation for the excellent articles in the October 21, 2023 edition of Between the Bridges, particularly the articles about the proposed elimination of view corridors which prompted us to write to the City with our opposition.
Bernadette Hirtle (Discovery Quay) sent us a “Thank you!” with the added note, That’s all I need to say; thank you very much for your/our newsletters.
From Ingrid Alderson (Regatta)

We both read the latest edition of the bulletin yesterday with interest – and we’re in agreement that it is a good one! Congratulations all around.
In our last issue, Debby Meyer (Creekview Co-op) wrote about how Truth and Reconciliation Day triggered her interest in understanding what it means to be an “ally” of indigenous people in the struggle against the fact and effects of European colonization. After reading about “50 ways to be an effective ally” she decided to teach what she’d learned to children through regular voluntary work at False Creek Elementary.
Since then Beth Dempster (Convivial Cafe) relayed a neighbour’s further information that lists various resources on becoming an effective ally, including some of the “Do’s and Don’t’s”.

What can we say? Our regular proofreader, Kathryn Woodward, took a break before our last issue and we had to make do with one of our editors (the bossy one) as a poor substitute.

Apologies to Mariam Habib for relocating her from her home in Alder Bay Co-op to Creekview. In our pitiful defence, we can only think that Creekview Co-op has emerged as one of the most active enclaves in the Creek, and perhaps there’s an unconscious default at work. (As noted, pitiful excuse.)

Apologies also to ABC city councillor Peter Meiszner for a story that misspelled his name not only twice but in two different ways. Not a passive aggressive act (honestly!). Just normal, garden variety incompetence.
Geese are migratory, but it seems that a whole lot of them didn’t get the memo this year.

Between The Bridges welcomes readers’ contributions of story ideas, events of interest, original photographs, and completed articles relevant to the False Creek South Neighbourhood Association’s goal to “promote an economically, social and culturally diverse neighbourhood with a friendly, positive and vibrant sense of community”. For details go to: 
Copyright © 2023 False Creek South Neighbourhood Association, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
False Creek South Neighbourhood Association 
c/o False Creek Community Centre
1318 Cartwright St.
Vancouver, BC  V6H 3R8

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